Personal “Crystal Viewing Layout“ Session
Crystals are laid out on and around the body in order to induce a meditative brain state. In this state is very easy to relax for a long period of time and observe. Crystal Viewing Layouts can be used to:
Explore "past life" memories or ancestral / genetic memories (with full sight, sound and smell) in order to get the best personal qualities out of it.
Travel to any point on the Earth and any time period - eg explore ancient ruins and then see who lived there
See, hear and talk to your Higher Self and Spirit Guides
The whole point of Crystal Layout is to put you into the most resourceful state and to fill you with joy, good qualities and talents that you had in your past lives.
Individual Lithotherapeutic Consultation
During the personal consultation we will find out the best crystals for you to personally use for:
Assistive healing for specific health conditions
Developing your manifestation skills, increasing abundance
Harmonization of relationship
Support of specific life goals.
Click the button below to order an individual Lithotherapeutic Consultation.
Crystal Feng Shui Consultation for Homes and Businesses
If you are starting your business or have a home situation and would like professional assistance – crystals are at your service. The consultation includes checks for geopathic and electromagnetic stress in key areas of the home (beds, desks, sofas, etc) and offers a range of solutions in forms of minerals and where to place them. Consultations do not include Crystals and travel costs.
Click the button below to order an individual Crystal Feng Shui Consultation for your home or business.